Policies & Procedures
Hours & Closings
Teddy Bear Day Care will be open Monday through Friday from 6:45 AM until 5:45 PM. Each child shall be picked up BEFORE 5:45 PM. A late charge will be assessed for each minute starting at 5:45 PM. We will start calling persons listed in the child’s file if a child has not been picked up by 5:45 PM. A staff member will stay with the child until s/he is picked up. We ask that all children be dropped off by 10:00 AM. If your child has an appointment and will be dropped off after 10:00 AM please notify the office in advance so you will not be turned away. We allow one drop off per day so if your child is picked up for an appointment they may not return until the next day.
Brownsburg’s hours are 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM with a late fee beginning after 6:00 PM.
It is the policy of Teddy Bear Day Care that every child is given 1 vacation week per year after they have been enrolled continuously for 6 months. A vacation week is classified as a Monday – Friday week whereas the child may not attend the daycare. Vacation weeks cannot be accumulated. If not taken, it is forfeited. You receive one
vacation week at the beginning of each calendar year. Prior notification is required if you wish to use a vacation week. If your child is not here due to school holidays, a snow day, or an illness full tuition will still be expected.
Teddy Bear Day Care will be closed the following days each year: New Year’s Day, MLK Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Full tuition is expected for both full & part-time children during these holidays. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, we will be closed the Friday prior. If a holiday falls on a Sunday, we will be closed the following Monday. In the rare event that Christmas Eve and Christmas Day fall on a Saturday and Sunday, we will be closed the Friday prior and the Monday after. Teddy Bear will be closed for up to 2 days per calendar year for staff development. This information will be communicated at the beginning of each calendar year and will be forfeited if we’ve had to close for inclement weather. These days will be listed as “flex days”.
If Teddy Bear Day Care would need to close the center due to some unforeseen circumstances the announcement would be on WTHR Channel 13. We will wait until the very last to close so going to their website will give you the most up to date information.
Payments & Fees
Teddy Bear Day Care charges a $100.00 registration fee per family. As long as the child remains continuously enrolled, you will not be charged another registration fee. We also charge a $100.00 educational fee, per family, once a year for all children. This fee will be charged annually in August and will be added to your weekly payment.
Teddy Bear Day Care accepts card payments as well as automatic payments set up using a VISA or Master Card. Payments that are returned from our bank due to insufficient funds will be charged $25.00. Fees are payable in advance on the first day of each week or month, depending upon your method of payment. The school depends on each month’s tuition to pay current expenses. We appreciate your prompt payment. A late fee of $10.00 will be charged to payments that are received after Wednesday of the current week.
General Information
Morning snack is offered at 7:30 AM. Breakfast is served from 9:30 – 9:45 AM. Lunch is served from 11:30 AM – 11:45 AM. Afternoon snack is served at 2:30 PM. We provide nutritious meals and snacks that include fresh fruits and vegetables, many homemade casseroles, and warm fulfilling meals.
Brownsburg’s meal times are switched in the morning. Breakfast is at 7:30 AM. Snack is at 9:30 AM.
Children go outside daily except when the wind chill is below 25. We ask that the children be dressed accordingly. A written note must be left stating a health-related reason for a child to remain indoors. If a child needs to remain indoors for more than 3 days, a doctor’s statement is required.
For your family’s convenience, Teddy Bear Day Care contracts with reputable companies to provide optional enrichment programs such as tumbling, music, dance, sports fitness, ballet and gymnastics. Please consult your Director for a list of daytime programs currently available at the center.
Items from home are welcome on Wednesdays for Show and Share for classrooms 2 ½ and older. If a child brings a toy from home, the toy must be shared with other children. Teddy Bear Day Care is not responsible for toys or items that are lost, broken, or stolen. Please try to encourage your child to bring in interesting items to show from home, such as a favorite book that the whole class can enjoy.
Please remember that your child will be participating in a variety of physical activity and messy activities daily. Children participate in sensory activities, painting, and exploring outside. Children love to explore their environment and we desire all children to freely do so in a safe manner. Be sure to bring your child extra clothes in case of accidents. Children go outside every day (except in extreme weather). Therefore please dress your child in weather-appropriate clothing.
Children are not allowed to bring in outside food from home unless they have a doctor’s note that states they have a certain food allergy and will be bringing in meals from home. Teddy Bear supports families with dietary changes such as vegetarianism. Speak with your center director if your child has special dietary needs. Teddy Bear Day Care serves 4 meals a day at specific times. If your child is eating a snack in the car on the way to school, please ensure that they finish their snack before entering the building.
If your child is celebrating a birthday, you are welcome to bring in a special snack for their class to enjoy. Please keep in mind that it is state regulation that all outside food be in the original, unopened store packaging. This includes cupcakes and cookies. Feel free to bring in a special store-bought snack for your child’s special day! Teddy Bear Day Care is a nut-free facility.
Please provide your child with the following items on their first day.
- Blanket for nap time
- Special lovey they may sleep with
- Pacifier (If used for toddlers)
- Water Bottle
- 2 Family Photos
- 2 Full changes of clothing
- Diapers (If applicable)
- Wipes (If applicable)
Medical & Emergency
Medication must be signed in at the office or it will not be administered. Medicines are given at 12:00 Noon and 4:00 PM ONLY. Please adjust your child’s schedule accordingly. Medication must be in the original container with the child’s
name and dosage on the label. Over-the-counter medication must have a written note signed by the doctor stating the child’s name, the name of specific medication, the reason for giving the medication, how often medication is to be given, the date the order was written, and the dosage to be given. Please see a director if you have any questions or if your child has an irregular medication schedule.
It is your responsibility to keep Teddy Bear Day Care up-to-date on any changes in telephone numbers, emergency numbers, addresses, and any other pertinent information. In the event an emergency should occur, we will try every attempt to contact the parent. If we cannot reach you, we will try the emergency contacts that you have listed. If necessary, we will call for an ambulance and the Director or Assistant Director will make all necessary decisions about the care of your child until you can be reached.
Should a child become ill at the center, or need to be observed for any of the below conditions, the parent will be notified to come pick up the sick child or make arrangements for someone else to pick up the child. We will allow parents ONE HOUR to make arrangements for the child to be picked up.
Children should not be brought to the center when there are signs of a communicable illness or if the child is too sick to participate in regular activities.
Children should not attend or will be sent home if they:
- Have a fever of 100.4 or higher or have had a fever of 100.4 in the past 48 hours. Children must be fever-free, without medication for 48 hours before returning to the center.
- If your child is vomiting or has vomited in the last 48 hours. They must keep one full meal down before returning to the Center. This is especially important during flu season to keep from spreading illness.
- If your child has a widespread rash that has not been examined by a physician.
- If your child has persistent diarrhea (especially children 3 years and younger).
- Diarrhea is highly contagious for small children. Diarrhea is many liquid bowel movements in a short span of time.
- If your child has drainage or matting coming from their eye.
- If your child has symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as a persistent cough, fever, large amounts of nasal drainage, etc.
- If your child has chicken pox, they may not attend or will be sent home. (Your child may return once ALL blisters have scabbed over.)
- If your child has head lice or nits.
- If your child is feeling unwell and is unable to participate in normal activities.
Family Information
At Teddy Bear, we feel that it is important to keep families aware of children’s progress and daily activities. Staff utilizes an app called Procare to communicate with parents regarding your child’s activities for the day. Staff are able to send messages to parents through the app, as well as send pictures of activities the children participate in.
We value family participation here at Teddy Bear. In order to incorporate families into our center, we host a variety of special events here at Teddy Bear. Some of the special events we host include Pumpkin Pie with Parents, Cookies with Santa, Mother’s Day Tea, Pretzels with Dad, Summer Carnival, Pirate Day, Luau, and many more. We’ve attended Pacer’s Games, Indians Games, and Indy Fuel games as a group outing and as a way to support family engagement. We always welcome volunteers, materials, and ideas for special events.
We post samples of children’s artwork, cutting, and writing samples. Additionally, staff complete multiple monthly observations and progress reports (which are completed in May and September). An informal conference between parents and teachers may be scheduled whenever appropriate.
Teddy Bear Day Care wishes to extend our gratitude in the form of tuition reduction to anyone who refers our program which results in a family enrolling. Any family who refers a family to one of our 3 locations will receive a $100.00 tuition credit after the newly enrolled family’s 6th consecutive week with Teddy Bear. Thank you for your positive referrals and supporting our school!
The enrollment information you provide will be handled confidentially to protect your privacy. Limited access is available to employees in order to provide the best care possible. All information you provide regarding your child and your family is stored in your child’s file located in the central office. The information is kept strictly confidential and is accessible only by management.